The Sticky Marketing Club Inner Circle

the exclusive forum for savvy marketers
‘The best way to predict your future is to create it’ Abraham Lincoln

Do you:

  • Find it difficult to keep up with the latest marketing ideas, trends, technologies and platforms?
  • Struggle to demonstrate the value that your efforts and the marketing function brings to your organisation?
  • Feel constant pressure to come up with creative ideas for campaigns and content?
  • Face ever greater demands for increasing numbers of leads and opportunities coming into the business?
  • Recognise the difficulty in standing out in a crowded market and cutting through the growing noise

With so many demands, commercial drivers and targets, how do you ensure you stay at the top of your game, have time for personal development and deliver outstanding results for your organisation?

The Sticky Marketing Club Inner Circle is an exclusive ‘members only’ group that enables marketers to develop professionally, stay abreast of the latest thinking and meet the commercial demands of their enterprise.

Facilitated by Grant Leboff, one of the UKs leading sales and marketing experts, the Sticky Marketing Inner Circle exists to support members, ensure they stay at the top of their game and deliver the results that are required.

For only £450 per month members receive:

  • Two 90-minute group sessions per month (excluding August and December) undertaken online from the comfort of your desk. Using the latest in live video technology there is no travelling or all-day commitment so you can maximise your learning, productivity and effectiveness.
  • Access to some of the world’s leading speakers and thought leaders. One session per month is with an eminent speaker and thought leader. Members get access to the latest thinking and are able to ask questions of a prominent global thinker.
  • Peer group learning, with other carefully selected members, who are experienced practitioners in their own right. In one session per month we explore and solve some of the biggest challenges that you currently face in your role.
  • Support, inspiration and creative thinking of fellow members all of whom are working in senior marketing roles and, therefore, understand the challenges, concerns and questions that you face on a daily basis
  • One mentoring session per quarter with Grant Leboff. These sessions enable you to explore ideas on a deeper level, share confidential challenges and obtain impartial feedback from one of the UK’s leading sales and marketing experts

The Sticky Marketing Inner Circle:

  • ensures that you don’t miss out on the latest and best marketing thinking
  • establishes you are at the top of your industry
  • provides a safe, confidential, environment to learn, share ideas and grow
  • enables you to deliver outstanding results for your organisation

To apply to become part of the Sticky Marketing Inner Circle simply complete the ‘contact us’ form below, with the message: ‘Inner Circle Application’ now.