Getting People to Share Your Content

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Too many people in business create content without considering what is the emotional deliverable for their client. In this Vlog, Grant explains why it is so important.

How is it that a piece of content that had no message, contained no information, and, on many levels, was completely benign, was shared millions of times online?

Because when Cadbury’s commissioned a video of a gorilla playing drums in time to Phil Collins, [clip from UK tv commercial] it made you smile. In other words, it triggered an emotional response.

We don’t share anything online that doesn’t trigger an emotional response.

Whether it makes us laugh or cry, shocks or surprises us, or gives us that a-ha moment, a piece of information we had never thought of before, unless it triggers something emotionally within us, we’re very unlikely to share it with others.

Too many people in business create content without thinking about what the emotional deliverable for their client is. Unless you create content that delivers an emotional response, you just won’t get the shares that you want and desire.

And now to deliver the emotional response and the shock value of this video…


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  1. Really enjoyed this video and the bit at the end. Its a shame it cut out though.

    Seriously though, would you say that this also applies to B2B businesses trying to reach out to corporate businesses or larger owner managed businesses?

    Kind regards

    1. Author

      Thanks Uche. Trust me, it is lucky it cut off at the end 🙂 I think this applies to all businesses, whatever they do and with whomever they need to connect. The way it is applied of course will differ

  2. Hi Grant, spot on message. Got concerned when your trade mark white shirt nearly came off! Keep it going. Patrick.

    1. Author

      Thanks Patrick. I am glad that you enjoyed the vlog. No need to worry, you won’t see me without the white shirt 🙂

      1. So, so right Grant. We’re drowning in data. Emotional response makes it relevant

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