Why Don’t More Sales People Use Video?

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The ubiquity of cameras on phones and social media channels where people can post videos, be it Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or others, means that sales people today need to be masters of video too.

In this vlog, Grant explains why…

If you’re in sales, it was kind of obvious that you needed to be able to use the telephone. For many individuals, a telephone was an easy way to talk to prospects before a face to face meeting and certainly to stay in contact with customers in between meetings. The ubiquity of the telephone made it an important tool that sales people had to master, but I would argue; this is exactly where we are today with video.

The ubiquity of cameras on phones and social media channels where we can post those videos, be it Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or others, means that sales people today need to be masters of video.

There’s an important reason for this. The biggest limitation for a salesperson has always been time. And the thing is, traditional communication channels like; letters or email, face to face meetings, telephone calls, even messaging, you can only address one prospect or one customer at a time and, therefore, in any given week, a salesperson could only reach a certain amount of people.

Video, however, is different.

A salesperson can post something really insightful and meaningful, for their particular target market, and it could be seen by 50,100, 200, 300 or even more prospects all at the same time and, therefore, give that salesperson much greater reach.

I’m not suggesting that this replaces one-to-one communications be that texting or email or face to face meetings or even telephone calls, but these videos certainly augment a salesperson’s reach and allows them to be more effective in their role.

A really good video allows a sales person to build credibility, trust, and even start the beginnings of a relationship before even the first face to face or one-to-one contact is made. The most effective sales people today, and certainly the sales people of tomorrow, will all be using video and to ignore it, is to ignore one of the most powerful tools at their disposal. A bit like a sales person ignoring the ‘phone 50 years ago.


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  1. Yay! Just commissioned 2 videos to promote my business so pleased to see this! It’s something I advise all my clients to consider as well. Thanks as always for the top content.

  2. Love the videos Grant. What kind of tools do you use to produce them with?

    1. Author

      Thanks Allan, I am really pleased that you enjoy the videos. It is a simple set up a few lights, one camera, a decent mic, a green screen etc. The secret is that I work with a couple of guys who really know what they are doing. It is always best to surround yourself with good people!

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